
Open Any Number Of Tabs Without Typing. Here's The Oneliner Shell Script!


Puppy Linux Lucid 5.1.0

I Suddenly Tripped On A New Idea!

You know what, I suddenly tripped on an idea to start a whole bunch of sites in a whole bunch of tabs - all at once - using a shell script! Really amazing!

What You May Be Missing

Are you one of the power users? Maximize your productivity by automating repetitive typing! We usually start the browsers manually, and type the addresses every time manually or use bookmarks to open sites-even those sites we can't stop visiting every single day of our lives such as the email sites, the ISPs, the social sites, the movie/tv sites and the devotional sites!

Even if you used a shell script, you may not be opening more than one tab at a time!

Even if some browsers such as the Chromium-browser give you the option to open a bunch of tabs when you open a new tab in the second session after exiting with a bunch of sites in the first, other browsers may not have that feature!

Tiny Oneliner. One-Click Wonder!

Wouldn't it be great to be able to start a bunch of sites in several tabs "at the press of a button" all at once by using a shell script? It is right here. It works in Chromium, Opera and Firefox on Puppy Lucid Linux5.1.0 and it should work with other browsers in other distros too!

The Simple Oneliner Script

/usr/bin/chromium-browser  \
"file:///your-favorite-local-file.html" \
"" \
"" \
"" &

The Steps

  • Copy the oneliner script above and paste it to a script
  • Replace the links with your links
  • Run the command below once to change the script to executable 
chmod 755
  • Type 
or click on it from rox or some other file manager to run it!
Now whenever you want to start the "must visit daily" sites, however many, just click on that script to open all sites all at once! Stop wasteful typing every time you get on the net for every site you visit! Start the worry-free one-click fast start with the shell script! Every time!!!

NOTE 1: Browsers And OS's

Works fine on Chromium, Firefox and Opera on Puppy Lucid Linux5.1.0. Change the executable browser name for each browser you want to use. Should work as is or with minimum changes with other browsers and other distros too.

Tip: Use the "which browsername" command [eg. which opera] or a similar command to find the location of the executable. Some browsers may keep executables in locations other than /usr/bin.

NOTE 2: Max Number Of Open Tabs

Number of max open tabs depends on your browser and your OS.


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